Hera with a prayer for other Pro-players

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In the latest episode of Town Center, Masmorra, TheViper, Hera and Nili was together to talk about subjects as Nilis retirement, NAC5 and the future of AoE2. Here Hera talked about TheViper and gave him some advice in how to improve.

What is Town Center?

Town Center is a VOD-Podcast, which is being filmed around once a month, and hosted by Gamer Legion (GL). This means that there obviously can come some subjecticity, since GL is also the biggest AoE2 team, having players like TheViper, TaToH, DauT and now Hera in their barn. But we have to accept this kind of subjectivity, since there are no one else, this big, that are hosting a podcast about the game. Town Center is about everything that moves within the Age of Empires 2 franchise. The game, the community, streamers, tournaments, etc.

The hosts are TheViper and Masmorra.

Nili gives permission for anyone to takeover the NAC-franchise

“They have my blessing”


It may sounds brutal and rough that any other than Nili himself should be the coordinator of future NAC-events, but in the podcast he mentions that anyone are welcome to come and takeover the franchise. With the words “they have my blessing”, highly means that he is highly in favor for anyone to take over.

“They will always be compared to NAC”


He continues on by saying that the tricky thing in his book is, that whatever outcome of a tourney people will make, they will always be compared with the reak NAC. You can see Nilis reacion to the question about the future of the NAC right below here.

You can watch/listen to the whole podcast on their youtube

Hera encourages TheViper to practice a lot more

Hera is probably the best AoE2 player at the moment. In fact, he has lately been so good, that he now starts giving his greatest opponents advices in how to improve. Hera and TheViper have started a great rivalry across the scene, where Hera more often than not is drawing the longest straw. The rivaly is good for AoE2 scene, though. In order to have a sport, you need someone to challenge each other. In years it have been TheViper, and only TheViper. Now this young and talented player comes across, and is beginning to give him something to think about.

“You should play 20 games more each day”


In the podcast they start talking about how Pro Players has to improve, to follow the competition.
This is where Hera pulled the rabbit out his hat. Hera was asked what his advice to other pro-players is, and his answer was sent forward against TheViper, who was sitting to the left of him. Hera said that pro-players should start getting top results and later start streaming, while referring to him self. Then he turned his face against TheViper and said “You should play 20 games more each day”. TheViper actually took his word to him, and acknowledged that he should practice more. You can see Hera saying it in the video beneath.

If you want to see the whole Podcast you see it right here.

If you want to read a summary of the NAC5 final, you can read more here.


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